Project by Prof. Nahra

Students enrolled in the Master of Architecture program, as well as those in the Master of Architectural Studies program, pursue a concentration in one of five areas.

A leader of architecture education in the D.C. metropolitan area, The Catholic University of America’s M.ARCH with a Real Estate Development Concentration program offers a fully accredited professional architecture degree program for full-time graduate students and nontraditional evening students. Led by a faculty of practicing architects and real estate developers, students in this concentration explore the transformative power of design in the urbanizing built environment through a program of study that integrates architectural design with new expectations of our cities and metropolitan regions. Placemaking through architecture design choices that recognize future social, physical and technological forces upon urbanism are critical components of design outcomes. Students focus on design as a holistic process to coordinate technology, business and economics, law, construction management and urban planning.

Contemporary architecture practice requires knowledge of a wide array of architectural design challenges, contextual, sustainable while concurrently both economically and socially responsible. Entrepreneurial design solutions embrace technological advancement in the building sciences coupled with architectural and business fundamentals preparing students for leadership roles in shaping our urbanizing landscape.

Practicing architects can significantly enhance the quality of the built environment, while at the same time taking advantage of potential business opportunities to share in market driven forces through an educational grounding in sophisticated architectural responses and the fundamentals of real estate development.