The faculty consists of highly talented, deeply experienced practitioners of Traditional and Classical Architecture. Faculty come from and are familiar with the architecture of the Washington DC Metropolitan region and are able to understand, tap into, and teach about our nations’ architectural heritage. The proximity of the school to the Washington DC region, also makes available a robust resource of successful practicing architects that are called on to engage with the design studios to offer rich lessons about the modern practice of traditional/classical architecture, from a variety of viewpoints.
Full Time Faculty:
James McCrery
Concentration Classes taught: Design Studios - Juniors, Seniors and graduate thesis studios
Elective - Architectural History & Theory – The Architecture and Urban Development of the City of Rome
C.J. Howard
Concentration Classes taught: Design Studios – Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors and graduate thesis studios
Elective - Classical Architecture Illustrated
Visiting adjunct faculty critics:
Allan Greenberg – Allan Greenberg Architects, Washington, DC
David Napolitano - Rome Studio
Michael Gibbs - McCrery Architects, Washington, DC
Studio Support Firms:
David M. Schwartz Architects – Washington, DC
Glave and Holmes Architects – Richmond, VA