Scholarship and Research

Concentration students have the opportunity to collaborate with SSCS faculty for ongoing creative, scholarly, or research work as well as pursue their own interest with teacher guidance through independent study and thesis work. While the SSCS uses contemporary scientific methods (e.g., neuroscience, qualitative research, etc.), we profess architectural design as a legitimate and sophisticated mode of inquiry to investigate architectural, social, sacred, and cultural issues.

Research and Teaching Scholarships

Qualified students are eligible to receive semester-long research and teaching assistantships (usually involving 10 hours/week of work). These appointments are awarded on a competitive and merit basis. Future students need to apply during the admission process whereas students in the program may approach the faculty directly.

Direct Access to Professionals and Scholars

SSCS faculty will offer students access to a large array of local, regional, national and international connections at the time for applying for a job, seeking a PhD., or just travel.


The SSCS concentration is interested in the practice and study of architecture as the unique place where the immeasurable aspects of our humanity meet, shape, and become in turn transformed by the empirical dimensions of our embodiment. Present investigations and projects by the SSCS faculty include (projects listed in alphabetical order): Aesthetics, Psychology, and Neuroscience (Milton Shinberg); fMRI study of architecturally induced contemplative states (Julio Bermudez); Phenomenology of the Architectural Extraordinary (Julio Bermudez); Sacred Landscapes & Native American Culture (Stanley Hallet); Spirit of Place / Spirit of Design (Kathleen Lane); Spirit of Place / Spirit of Design (Travis Price); Tunisian Vernacular Architecture (Stanley Hallet); Typologies of Religious Space — Historical and Contemporary (Michael Gick); Voluntary Architectural Simplicity (Julio Bermudez)