Lourdes Nguyen is an Architecture major from Clarksville, MD. She shares why she chose to attend Catholic University and the School of Architecture and Planning, and what advice she has for prospective students.
Why did you choose to attend Catholic University and the School of Architecture?
"Among all of the open house visits and tours I had been on, Catholic University had always stayed on my mind. It was my first college tour, and I was in awe of the beautiful campus. Students would often smile at us and say hi, which made me feel more comfortable and welcome in such a brand new environment.
The School of Architecture at Catholic University was especially welcoming of students from many backgrounds. I personally had little experience with sketching and drawing before coming to Catholic, but Catholic was very reassuring and did not discourage students who lacked that experience from attending; all they asked for was a willingness to learn and a true interest for and passion in architecture."
Why did you choose to study Architecture?
"Growing up, I was always interested in arts and STEM, and I wanted to find a balance between the two for a long-term career. I came across architecture and felt it fit the arts and STEM overlap I was seeking. Over the course of my first year, my fascination for the field grew and continues to grow today, and my interest in architecture is now more attributed to the wide variety of subjects and topics you're exposed to as an architect.
Architecture is about designing beautiful spaces for people, and the world is full of diverse people with diverse lifestyles, each with a different perspective on beauty. That is what inspires me about architecture and what I continue to seek more knowledge in."
What's been your favorite part of being a student at Catholic University?
"I love exploring different parts of Washington, D.C., and having a Metro stop a crosswalk away from campus makes it incredibly convenient to do so. I've gotten to go on field trips for class at the National Mall, various art museums such as the National Gallery of Art, Union Station, and more.
Some of my most memorable weekend outings with friends have been spent in Metro accessible places as well, spanning places even outside of D.C. It's amazing to have a convenient method of transportation on campus, and I think that makes Catholic University especially unique."
What advice would you give to prospective students?
"Be open to new experiences and possibilities, and explore as much as you can, even during your first year of college! It's always good to focus on your life goals and plan ahead, but there's more than one way to achieve your goals too. You never know what might actually 'suit you' or interest you until you give it a try!"